Saturday, July 18, 2009


God is in the process of designing this church as he sees fit. As soon as a place of worship is shown to me, we will begin services. We would greatly appreciate prayers that God reveals this place, whether it is a park, coffee shop or a place of our own-or even this blog.

In the meantime sermons will be posted here every Sunday at 5:00am central time.


How we worship:

We worship in a casual relaxed way-all together as one family.

We begin with a reciting of The Lord's Prayer-as we feel this prayer was a gift from Jesus. He taught us exactly how to pray~!

Next we sing a couple of fun and uplifting songs with our children. Feel free to dance, sing and clap along with your children. We believe God finds it pleasing when we use these gifts.

We have a short interactive lesson with the younger children where we use lessons that relate to today's world. We often have all the children participate in these.

We follow with a question or two for older children and young teens. We try and allow children to voice their opinion without trying to form their thoughts. Older children are encouraged to memorize a bible verse for the next service.

At this time children may play quietly or sit or stand with us adults as we have our own time with worship music.

Next, we have a short Sermon and closing prayer. We end our services with a time of reflection. We give you a chance to sit and pray or voice aloud any thoughts you had. These can relate to our sermon or not. We ask everyone to respect other's do not have to agree, just be willing to listen.

If you have any questions, comments or a prayer request, send them to Pastor Traci Flores at